XML Tooling based on EMF (EXML) used to loading/saving XML with EMF. You can process XML content without pre-defined ecore models in EMF.
Simple EMF Model
Easy Loading
- Standard XML Supported without schema.
- Comment and CData supported.
- Very simple data structure with Element and Attribute.
- Only need 3 lines of code.
EXMLResourceFactoryImpl fac = new EXMLResourceFactoryImpl();
XMLResource resource = (XMLResource) fac.createResource(uri);
HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>();
options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
resource.load(inputStream, options);
Saving XML
- Saving to standard XML files.
- Comment and CData supported.
EXMLResourceFactoryImpl fac = new EXMLResourceFactoryImpl(); Resource resource = fac.createResource(URI.createFileURI("Sample-save.xml")); EXDocument doc = EXMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createDocument(); EXElement root = EXMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createElement(); root.setName("Company"); EXAttribute nameAttr = EXMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createAttribute(); nameAttr.setName("name"); nameAttr.setValue("Soyatec"); root.getAttributes().add(nameAttr); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { EXElement child = EXMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createElement(); child.setName("Employee"); child.getText().add("Robot" + i); root.getElements().add(child); } doc.setElement(root); resource.getContents().add(doc); try { resource.save(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<Company name="Soyatec">